
Welcome to the AS Media Studies page on the TCC Creative blog hub.

From here you can access all blogs for our AS students completing their G321: Foundation Portfolio coursework.

We encourage comments and feedback between groups to enhance learning.

Monday, 8 December 2014

The Art of the Title Sequence

Google Web Fonts en Email HTML

As part of your Thriller film you need to create titles and show an awareness of the conventions surrounding use of titling at the start of films. In order to do this you need to do some research specifically on titles.
Using this website and this website you need to study how titles are used in at least three Thriller films.  You could also look at the opening sequences to some recent TV programmes working in the Thriller genre like Dexter, True Detectives Hannibal and Sherlock

You need to work out what types of titles are used and also consider how the titles can be used to create meaning, suggest themes, mood etc.  Think about how different font style suggests different things, think about what colours means, and how they might appear and disappear from the scene. You should also think about what background would be good for showing titles, slapping them on top of you actual film may not be the best thing. You need to think about them as a short (10sec) sequence.

Have a look at and comment on the way titles have been used in these student examples:

Consider what you might do for your titles. There are very basic titles in Final Cut Express but you can also create titles in Photoshop that you can import into Final Cut and there is a programme called Live Type on the Macs which does create very good titles.  I am not an expert in Live Type but the internet has loads of tutorials.

Try to move away from doing  text only posts at the moment so try Prezi or Glogster  or another more exciting tool for this task. Both of these apps are very good ones that you will probably want to use for your evaluation so it is important to learn how to use them now.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Sound In Films

You need to carefully consider how sound can be used in film.  Read the article given out in class today and looked at this website
The best parts are here and here.
You need to do at least three posts on sound - looking at examples, explaining what you have learnt from research, what you might do and why. You could also include samples of sound you are thinking about using and explain why.  There are two good websites for sound here and here.

Sound Article

Friday, 14 November 2014

Understanding and Using Mise-en-Scene

Homework Task

Read the article 'Understanding and Using Mise-en-Scene.
Post about it - summarise what you have learnt (what is MES and how can it be used)
Explain with specific examples how you are planning on using MES and Why (especially costumes, props and locations)
You could create mood boards to give a visual representation of what you could do - Glogster is a good tool to do this
Due in on 21 Nov

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Researching Thriller Directors

Famous Thriller Directors

You need to create a presentation about a key Thriller director. Use either Keynote or Powerpoint to present your finding or  if you want to develop a new skills try using the online presentation maker Prezi 
In your presentation you will need to
·        Provide biographical information about your director (don’t just copy from wiki!)
·        Examples of the film they have done
·        Discuss their career – famous films, awards, other works , are they alive or dead, influence on film etc.
·        Close study of at least TWO thriller films they have made:
o   provide basic details about the films
o   discuss the narrative (events/characters)
o   find out what critics had to say etc
o   Explain how the film fits the Thriller genre
o   watch trailers and film clips on youtube and analyse the use of camera, sound, editing and mise en scene
o   Analyse the clips for Thriller conventions (micro elements and narrative
o   Use pictures, screen grabs to make it interesting

Friday, 19 September 2014

Narrative Structure in Films

04.narrative structure in films from Naamah Hill

You can find a copy of the film on the Student Resources Drive on the Macs at school.

Monday, 28 April 2014

Friday, 25 April 2014

Representation of Regional Identity

This came up last year so very unlikely this year but you never know....

The clip from last year


Representation of Age

This last came up as a topic in January 2013 so is not likely to come up this year but it is best to be prepared! Read over the powerpoint, the past answers (from 2009 - clip included) and think about how age was represented in the clips we have looked at (Dr Who, Rose and Queen Victoria, Misfits, Skins and possibly Dr Who and Martha)

Past Answers based on Monarch of the Glen

Extension Reading

How should you answer the Exam Question?

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Sound in TV Drama

Remember if you are getting stuck when talking about representation and Sound in TV Drama, you can focus on the following four sound elements in order to show sufficient knowledge... Dialogue, Mode of Address, Sound Effects and Incidental Music with or without crescendos.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Editing in TV Dramas

Clips used in the lesson

This first one is what you should use for the homework task!

Skins via 4 OD


Monday, 21 April 2014

Extra Revision Material for Audience and Institutions

As the exam approaches I will up load any resources that I find to this post.  Keep checking back to see if there is new stuff.  Other schools across the country will have done difference case studies so don't worry if you see things we have not done.  The topic is huge and all teachers will do things in different ways!

Other Case Studies


Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Intro to TV Drama

List of Top TV Dramas

Clip One - Dr Who

Clip Two - The Bleak House
Clip Three - Spooks

Monday, 24 March 2014

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Massive Shifty Summary

 Don't forget that you need to fill in the sheet below for homework

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Marketing the Hobbit

Please make sure that you complete the homework task on the last slide by 14 March!
I have also included two extension reading on other films and their marketing campaigns.

Marketing Cloverfield and Harry Potter

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Wednesday 26th February

I am away in London today at a course so you will have to behave yourselves and get on with work.  Please sign the register and take to Debbie in the front office.

  1. In the last lesson with me you were in groups making a poster about our Case Study Films and the production cycle (Production/Distribution/Marketing/Exhibition). You have 20 mins maximum to finish this off and stick up on the wall in place of last year's ones.
  2. Evaluations have been marked and there are comments on your blogs.  Well done to Jack and Sarah who had an answer for every questions (please take a treat from the treat box!). You may spend the rest of this lesson working together on your Thriller film, making the improvements I have suggested.  You could also use the time to work on your evaluations, making the improvements I have suggested.
  3. The rest of you need to get one evaluation question finished in this lesson and have it on the blog by 4pm TODAY so I can mark it.  It is VERY disappointing that so many of you have failed to finish by the deadline set and your marks on GO reflect this.

Impact of NDT on Audiences and Institutions

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Draft Evaluation due in on 29 Jan 

Must be on your blog! I am happy to read over scripts to check that what you plan to say is good. All class time must be on this task and you will still need to use studies and homework time in order to finish it. Remember that at this level you should be doing at least 3 hours a week OUTSIDE of class time!