
Welcome to the AS Media Studies page on the TCC Creative blog hub.

From here you can access all blogs for our AS students completing their G321: Foundation Portfolio coursework.

We encourage comments and feedback between groups to enhance learning.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Work for Friday 20 November

Sorry that I am not here today but you all have work to get on with!  You should be finishing off your filming, editing or completing outstanding research and planning task. At the end of the lesson each person will need to do a post on their blogs summarising what work you have done today.  You will need to provide evidence - screen shots, samples of filming, editing etc.
Make sure that you are also emailing me if you are post dating anything as I will not be looking back at work from September and October unless you direct me to it!
If you were one of the students who volunteered to help promote Media to the year 11 can you please check your school email as I have sent you a message!

Enjoy the weekend ...... Snow is predicted!!!!

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