
Welcome to the AS Media Studies page on the TCC Creative blog hub.

From here you can access all blogs for our AS students completing their G321: Foundation Portfolio coursework.

We encourage comments and feedback between groups to enhance learning.

Monday, 26 September 2016

The Final Idea

You will need to do this in a digital form so that it can go on your blog.
I will give you feedback but it would be a VERY good idea to get feedback from the class as well  - a quick survey for example.

Presenting your final idea:

On the 5th October you will need to explain your idea to the rest of the class.  You will need to explain the following points

  • Narrative Outline: Discuss the narrative/plot of your opening.  Keep in mind that the opening needs set up the film but don’t make it too complex. 
  • Explain the ideas/messages/themes that you wish to explore in your film, how this will be done and why you have chosen to focus on these ideas/messages/themes.
  • Explain how your film will appeal to the target audience.  Discuss specific features of your film and how you think they will appeal to your target audience.
  • Practical details- discuss what your film involves in terms of time, research, personnel, locations, equipment, graphics and special effects? Consider what problems you might encounter and how might you solve them?
·      Explain what thriller film conventions you will use and why.  You might include a detailed discussion of at least five.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Independent Research 22 Sept

Today you will need start researching independently into Thriller films. Using the check list and other resources I have given you need pick a task and start work on it.
Remember that by 30 Sept you need to have the following posts on your blog:

  •  Definition of the Thriller genre (including your thriller recipe)
  • Narrative Conventions (both specific to thriller films and more generic narrative conventions e.g. the three act structure, cause and effect, conflict)
  • Character conventions (both specific to thriller films and more general character ideas surrounding traits, goals, obstacles, choices. flat, round etc.) 
  • Typical themes/ methods/ ideas in thriller films
  • Technical conventions (camera, sound, editing, mise en scene)
  • The work done in class on Shutter Island
  • Group Presentation on a thriller opening
  • Initial ideas about possible thriller films
  • One other research task
You can use the work we did in class as a springboard for your posts but try to delve a little deeper and don't just copy and paste from my powerpoint! 

Monday, 5 September 2016

Intro to the Foundation Portfolio

Don't forget that you have homework due in next Monday (12th Sept).  It is the second to last slide in the powerpoint! Don't worry about the last slide, we did not get time for that in class so I will set it as homework at a later stage!