
Welcome to the AS Media Studies page on the TCC Creative blog hub.

From here you can access all blogs for our AS students completing their G321: Foundation Portfolio coursework.

We encourage comments and feedback between groups to enhance learning.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Wednesday 26th February

I am away in London today at a course so you will have to behave yourselves and get on with work.  Please sign the register and take to Debbie in the front office.

  1. In the last lesson with me you were in groups making a poster about our Case Study Films and the production cycle (Production/Distribution/Marketing/Exhibition). You have 20 mins maximum to finish this off and stick up on the wall in place of last year's ones.
  2. Evaluations have been marked and there are comments on your blogs.  Well done to Jack and Sarah who had an answer for every questions (please take a treat from the treat box!). You may spend the rest of this lesson working together on your Thriller film, making the improvements I have suggested.  You could also use the time to work on your evaluations, making the improvements I have suggested.
  3. The rest of you need to get one evaluation question finished in this lesson and have it on the blog by 4pm TODAY so I can mark it.  It is VERY disappointing that so many of you have failed to finish by the deadline set and your marks on GO reflect this.

Impact of NDT on Audiences and Institutions